GSMA Open Gateway/ CAMARA

The GSMA Open Gateway initiative, spearheaded by TM Forum, GSMA, and CAMARA, offers a framework of universal APIs that provide seamless access to operator networks. By standardizing APIs and fostering collaboration between CSPs and developers, the initiative aims to unlock new market opportunities and streamline negotiations.
The collaborative efforts between TM Forum, GSMA, and CAMARA exemplify a unified approach to API development, mitigating the risk of divergence and complexity. The white paper on Ecosystem for Open Gateway NaaS API development further underscores our commitment to show how standardization and harmonization across the industry, fostering innovation and driving digital transformation.
Number of APIS
Release Date
07 May 2024

Assets Section
Postman collection
Sample implementation code
Conformance Profile (RAND)
Frequently Asked Questions
An Open API is an application programming interface published on the internet and shared freely, allowing CSPs (Communication Service Providers) to create differentiated products and services much more quickly.
CAMARA is an open-source project within Linux Foundation to define, develop and test the APIs. CAMARA works in close collaboration with the GSMA Operator Platform Group to align API requirements and publish API definitions and APIs. Harmonization of APIs is achieved through fast and agile created working code with developer-friendly documentation. API definitions and reference implementations are free to use (Apache2.0 license). Availability across telco networks and countries is necessary:
- To ensure seamless customer experience
- To accelerate technology development and commercial
- To accelerate education and promotion
To support application portability with CAMARA Open APIs enterprise software developers can plug in to network capabilities once, and it’s already working. Now imagine those APIs being put into the stacks of the cloud providers. And whenever somebody’s developing code for a new business model, they can drop lines of code not just from the cloud provider’s side but also from global telecommunication standard stacks. This could include identity, cybersecurity, billing, signalling, geolocation and other services.

The image above illustrates a graphical representation of an Open Gateway NaaS system architecture. As shown, CAMARA APIs have implications in the third-party domain (how APIs are made available for consumption) and CSP domain (how APIs are implemented based on the operators’ internal capabilities).