IG1243 ODA Contracts for Ecosystem Enablement v3.0.0
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 3.0.0
Release Status: Production
This document deals with the particular challenges of linking up multiple organizations to create a functional B2B2x platform business. Much of the rest of the ODA is aimed at ensuring standardized specifications for functions as components so that b...
Standard(s): Best Practices
IG1243 ODA Contracts for Ecosystem Enablement v2.0.0
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 2.0.0
Release Status: Archived
This document deals with the particular challenges of linking up multiple organizations to create a functional B2B2x platform business. Much of the rest of the Open Digital Architecture (ODA) is aimed at ensuring standardized specifications for func...
Standard(s): Best Practices
IG1243 ODA Contracts for Ecosystem Enablement v1.0.0
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.0
Release Status: Archived
This document deals with the particular challenges of linking up multiple organizations to create a functional B2B2x platform business. Much of the rest of the Open Digital Architecture (ODA) is aimed at ensuring standardized specifications for func...
Standard(s): Best Practices