TR263A Coordination Terminology and Classification of Associated Problems R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.4
Release Status: Archived
This document is part of a series of documents under the umbrella of TR263. It covers basic terminology, and a statement of basic (albeit difficult) problems related to orchestration and choreography.
Standard(s): Best Practices
Deployment Integration Patterns and Best Practices for HIP: Overview R17.0.1 (TR263)
Maturity Level: General availability (GA)
Document version: 1.0.4
Release Status: Production
This document provides an overview and introduction to a series of Technical Reports that provide deployment Integration patterns and best practices for hybrid Infrastructure Platforms (HIP) . Some of the patterns have wider applicability than infra...
Standard(s): Best Practices