IG1156 City as a Platform Case Study and Success Criteria R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.2
Release Status: Production
We live in the decade of the platform economy. Over the last decade, the concept of platform business models has been extremely successful in the private sector. The platform business model is different from that of a traditional pipeline business (w...
Standard(s): Best Practices
IG1155 City as a Platform Business Models R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.2
Release Status: Production
This report provides a simple way of understanding the City-as-a-Platform ecosystem and a simple set of ideas to help a city determine what is needed to develop a sustainable and scalable city data exchange platform business. It has been developed wi...
Standard(s): Best Practices
TR272 City as a Platform Architecture and Supporting Capabilities R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.2
Release Status: Archived
The City as a Platform and the Data Economy have the objective to guide cities on the process of data monetization using a platform approach. This report sets out to bring a set of capabilities and their architecture to make such data monetization vi...
Standard(s): Best Practices