IG1292 Business Value Assessment and Visualization using VOF v1.0.0

This introductory guide introduces the Value Operations Framework – VOF as a value manifestation guide, allowing business practitioners to visualize, assess and quantify the potential impacting values, which are induced by applying intelligent automation or Autonomous Network (AN) technologies to any particular business process. The focus of this paper is on the business-, IT, Service and Network-operations domain in the context of Autonomous Operations (AO).

The proposed concepts and frameworks were initially defined for CSP i.e., Communications Service Providers. However, these are equally applicable for Digital service providers and industry vertical players/consumers that aim to apply intelligent automation or aim to adopt Autonomous Operations.

The VOF was initially developed for the telecommunications industry but can be applied for all industries that automate business processes based on intelligent automation technologies. This introductory guide will make use of Telco or CSP examples to explain the underlying concepts. The examples can be translated into other industry context. The VOF leverages on well-established methodologies such as Value Stream Analysis, Value Trees, Process Analysis, Process Mining and Cost Benefits Analysis (CBA) as well as TM Forum assets such as Business Process Framework (eTOM) and KPIs at various levels, Open Digital Architecture (ODA) artifacts and Autonomous Network (AN) concepts and puts them in the context of AO. By that approach the VOF, leveraging on the Value Stream concept and the autonomous operations maturity model (AOMM), provides an easy to use and standardized approach to AO value assessment and may become an important asset in an enterprise’ journey to Operations Autonomy.

General Information

Document series: IG1292
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: Member Evaluated
Document type: Introductory Guide
Team approved: 08-Dec-2022
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 12-Dec-2022
Date modified: 23-Jan-2023