TMF417 Update Document Template, Version 0.8
Created By: Frameworx Project
An update document, (TMF417), to a released TM Forum document is used to inform parties using the released document that agreement has been reached to modify the affected document.
An update document could affect several released document, e.g., a typo in a BA may appear in the associated IA and IIS and so needs to be fixed in three places (it is felt that it is better to have just one update document in this case rather than three).
The update document fully describes the agreed changes but the changes are not actually made to the referenced document until the next minor or major release of that document. The idea is to publicize agreed updates in a timely manner without the immediate overhead of releasing another version of the affect document(s).
An update document can encompass minor typo corrections, behavior corrections and even new capabilities.
The various updated documents should be related to a particular major/minor release of a document and numbered as such, e.g., SID _Update-Document_Release 13.5, would be for the first Update Document related to the Information Framework Release 13.5. The expectation is that the update would actually be applied to the next Information Framework release after 13.5.
General Information