Tuesday, December 15, 2020 11:00am
Tuesday, December 15, 2020 11:00am
Becoming a cloud native telco is not easy. The journey requires more than IT and technology and includes changes in everything from culture to best practices to business models, and there is not a one-size-fit all approach when it comes to moving from monolithic architectures to agile methodologies and infrastructures.
During this roundtable, leaders from across the industry will explain the benefits of going cloud native, including cost optimization, improved customer experience, increased speed and flexibility, reduced risk and more. They will also address challenges such as coping with legacy IT, breaking down silos, and maintaining control and security.
If you are interested in attending, please contact [email protected].
Aaron Boasman-Patel, VP, AI & Customer Experience, TM Forum
Narendra N. Narang, Chief Account Technologist, Red Hat
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