Autonomous Networks Summit 2023
Thursday, June 6, 2023 . 09:00 – 16:00 CST/GMT+8
In today's world, 5G, AI, and cloud continue to accelerate the digitalization of thousands of industries. From the interconnection of all things to intelligence of all things, human society is moving at an unprecedented speed to become a truly ‘intelligent’ world. Autonomous networks, key to digital infrastructure in the intelligent world, have also now reached industry consensus and are enabling CSPs to achieve positive results in many areas, including business innovation, green development, capacity release, and high-speed development execution.
On June 6, 2023, TM Forum is holding the Independent Network China Industry Summit at the Beijing National Convention Center, to enable leading representatives from CSPs to meet, collaborate and exchange ideas with manufacturers, standards organizations, industry organizations, and analysts.
Join this industry summit to listen to the insights from industry leaders, witness the best practice results in the industry, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the intelligent network industry. Learn from trailblazers who are inspiring and creating real change with their autonomous network strategies and explore the future development of independent intelligent networks.
Space is limited. If you are interested in attending either virtually or in person, please submit your interest below, confirming whether you will be in person or virtually and we will be in touch to confirm your registration
If you have any questions, please contact our Asia Program Director, Kevin Xu, at [email protected]

China National Convention Center - Hall 311AB, Floor 3, Area C
No. 7 Tianchen East Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

2023年6月6日,9:30-16:00 CST/GMT+8
2023年6月6日,TM Forum将在北京国家会议中心举办自智网络中国产业峰会,来自区域的运营商、厂商、标准组织、行业组织和分析师将齐聚一堂,交流与讨论自智网络的实践与进展。
本次峰会席位有限,请尽快注册锁定您的会议通行证,请点击下面的“Register Now”按钮进行注册。
如您想了解更多信息,请联系TM Forum亚太区协作总监徐俊杰。
联系邮箱:[email protected]