This Catalyst is showcasing at Digital Transformation World Asia, March 14-16, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Visit us at Innovation Zone kiosk C10
Attend our presentation on Tuesday 14 March, 16:39 - 16:54
This Catalyst project enables CSPs to move beyond connectivity and become Digital Ecosystem Providers. Creating new revenue streams by offering value-added services through a multi-party business ecosystem and reducing the complexity of B2B2X solutions by simplifying onboarding and operations by adhering to Open Digital Architecture (ODA) will help CSPs will move up the value chain.
CPScan monetizes assets through network slicing, orchestration, and automation. using zero-touch partnering, connectivity as a service (CaaS), NaaS, and intent-based operations. New revenue models will be supported with ‘on-demand networks’ and ‘Billing on behalf of‘ and clear separation and settlement. CaaS takes the customer order intent and derives the connectivity intent to find/discover the connectivity service this is best suited to meet the customer solution requirements.
The catalyst team brings together their expertise in digital operations, autonomous networks, and impactful vertical industry use cases., viz., intelligent spaces, sustainability, smart health, cloud gaming, and fan experience.