Achieving Net Zero in different geographical conditions with an innovative Digital Twin and AI platform.
TMF IG1347 Green Telco in Government Compliance
TMF IG1310C DT use case on Green (case 12)
TMF IG1360 Sustainable TechCo Organization Design
Digital Talent Maturity Model Guidebook
Customer Experience Management on Green
DT4DI & AIOps Glossary
Digital Talent Maturity Model v3.0.0
Autonomous Operation Maturity Model
Collaboration Photo
Creating a sustainable digital future: low-carbon networks
Gratitude Messages
TMF ODE Leaflet recommend M24.0.629
Green Management Whitepaper Feb 2024
Green Platform - Green Network Evolution & Digital Twin
Email the members of the Catalyst team to request more details.
Maximizing business value and monetization opportunity for new generation networks in support of energy-efficient and scalable dynamic IoT deployments
A new AI-enabled cloud-native stack to drive NetOps for 5G slice management
Leveraging advanced BIM, we revolutionize telecom infrastructure design, deployment, and maintenance for seamless, intelligent, and efficient networks.