Action Day: Data Analytics

Thursday, February 5, 2015 1:00pm to 8:00pm

Radisson Blu - Dubai Media City, UAE

Hosted by TEOCO

At this Action Day event, TM Forum members will be working together to collaborate on ways to leverage analytics in their companies, using an approach developed by TM Forum’s Data Analytics Project group as the foundation. The output of the day will become input to the Data Analytics Project, to be edited, reviewed and finalized to become part of the Data Analytics Solution Suite of best practices.

All participants are encouraged to stay involved in the project after the workshop by attending regular meetings or collaborating online and following through to assist in having this work become part of the best practices. This is a “roll up your sleeves” type of session – work will be done in small groups guided by a facilitator who will step the groups through exercises to create the outputs. 

Open to: TM Forum Members
Registration closed.
Note: You must join the Data Analytics Collaboration Project to attend this workshop.  Join by visiting the project area and requesting project access.

Questions? Please contact Rebecca Sendel.