Monday, October 10, 2016 8:30am to
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:30pm
Monday, October 10, 2016 8:30am to
Tuesday, October 11, 2016 5:30pm
Register now for complimentary admission!
About Action Days
Customer Experience is vital to any company’s reputation and growth. We will look at industry directions such as multi-partner digital services, machine to machine, and virtualization to evaluate their impacts on customer experience and capture approaches for how customer experience management needs to evolve in this new and complex environment. Understandng how to monitor and measure experience, analytics and metrics will feature prominently in all of our discussions. We will also explore new business opportunities that the Internet of Everything presents to Digital Service Providers due to the customer experience imperatives facing companies.
What to expect:
This is an interactive session – work will be done in small groups guided by a facilitator who will step the groups through exercises to create the outputs.
All workshop participants are encouraged to stay involved after the workshop by attending regular meetings or collaborating online and following through to assist in having this work become part of the best practices.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to attend as space is limited. If you have a colleague who would be appropriate to invite, please let us know and we will include them space permitting.
To register, please click here.
If you have any specific queries please contact Snigdha Mitra.
Agenda Highlights:
Monday 2016-10-10
08:30 Registration and gathering day 1
09:00 1.1 Opening welcome, Intro and customer centricity overview
Introduction of the event and overview of TM Forum in general with particular focus
activities in customer centricity. This will provide a good introduction for newcomers
to TM Forum work and an update of current activities also for participants familiar
with TM Forum.
10:30 Coffee break for networking
11:00 1.2 Customer Sentiment, Subjective perception and Personas
Nina Washington, psychologist at Ericsson research, will provide a psychologist’s
view on customer sentiment and subjective perception. Her speech will be followed
by a discussion and workshop, about how these insights can be utilized by the
service provider
12:30 Lunch
13:30 1.3 Scores Introduction and Workshops
What scores and indicators are needed to make customer experience insights an
integral part of business level decision and action taking? We will have a workshop
about which insights would help business processes and business assurance tools.
15:00 Coffee break for networking
15:30 1.4 Scores Workshop and Conclusion
The workshop on business level customer experience insights continues and is
concluded with a discussion of the resulting ideas.
17:00 End of day 1
Tuesday 2016-10-11
08:30 Registration and gathering day 2
09:00 2.1 Welcome and Experience Journey and Journey analytics introduction and workshop
What is an experience journey and why does it matter to the service provider?
How is the experience journey changing with respect to IoT and Smart X? What is
the role of analytics? These questions will be discussed and TM Forum models and
concepts will be used in a workshop.
10:30 Coffee break for networking
11:00 2.2 Experience Integrator Introduction and Workshop
12:30 Lunch
13:30 2.3 Experience Integrator Workshop
15:00 Coffee break for networking
15:30 2.4 Takeaway, Feedback and Conclusion
Summary and discussion of what was achieved through out the two days of meeting.
Feedback on the event and the way ahead.
17:00 End of the event
To register or for any further information, please click here.
Please note: places are limited.
Ericsson AB
Torshamnsgatan 21
16480, Stockholm, Sweden
This is Ericsson building 21. The meeting room Sven-Ture is in the foyer area
Note: For lunch there are a number of restaurants and cafes within close proximity of the venue.
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