DigiCOP.Life a Smart City Forum powered by TM Forum & Orange

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 12:00am to
Friday, January 15, 2016 12:00am

Become part of the project initiated by DigiCOP.Life, a Smart Climate Forum and make your ideas come to life and be adopted by member companies!  


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Climate change is not a myth and its initial effects are already being felt. Greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the main cause.  In the future the consequences can be major and jeopardize our environment and our society, rise of sea level, natural disasters, destruction of ecosystems, and migration of human and wild life. 

A key objective of COP21 is to gain agreement between countries to limit the increase in global temperature to 2°C. 

Together we can create and innovate to help citizens and businesses to improve their relationship with the environment and play our part to limit global warming. 

Ahead of the COP21 negotiations, we want to hear your voice, your ideas for how technology can be leveraged to influence change and reduce the harmful effects on the climate! 

You can participate in this event by attending in person in Paris or joining remotely as part of the online activity.   Learn more here.

Questions that will be posed and answered include: 

  • How to adapt to climate change and modify the layout of spaces? 
  • How to anticipate migrations of the inhabitants of the islands or coastal regions? 
  • Reconciling enhanced action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and solid economic growth?
  • How to generate a cleaner growth? 
  • How to educate people and how to change behavior? 
  • How to adapt cities for energy transition and conservation? 
  • How cities can encourage public transport to be used by all? 

Your suggested ideas may be apps, connected objects, big data uses.