A debate is raging over whether solving the management and orchestration challenge of virtualization requires a common information model — or whether the effort to create such a thing will actually hinder progress.
Common information models (CIMs) were a hot topic at last week’s Light Reading event, “OSS in the Era of NFV and SDN,” where there were passionate stands taken on both sides — and even some in the middle. It’s particularly interesting to explore the debate in the run-up to a CableLabs -sponsored meeting of multiple standards development organizations (SDOs) that’s set for Louisville, January 13-14, on the very topic of converging information modelling on NFV.
During a London panel debate devoted to service orchestration, for instance, some panelists argued that a CIM is absolutely essential.
“It’s important to agree on a common information model and data model,” said Klaus Martiny, NOC vice-chair and leader of network management and orchestration for the Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Ltd. ‘s 5G Project. With a common model in place, he said, everyone can then use their own data and create their own services. A couple of other panelists agreed with Martiny.
Read the rest on Light Reading.