Submit a case study
The case studies published on the TM Forum website help our members understand how to implement TM Forum Best Practices and Standards. Members should submit case studies that clearly demonstrate how they have successfully used TM Forum Frameworx.
Who can submit?
A TM Forum member or member company can make a submission. In normal circumstances, the TM Forum principal contact, or the member’s marketing or public relations officers will make the submission. The management of the member company must approve the content.If a paper is submitted directly from the author we may make inquiries to ensure the paper has been approved – so please don’t take offence if we check.
Must include
Each case study must include Title, Author(s), Company name, Abstract (50-100 words), and Date (when written, not when submitted).
Submission is completely free to members – this is a TM Forum member benefit.
Proof reading
The case study should be checked for spelling and grammatical errors before submission. This is your case study and we don’t accept any responsibility for mistakes.
The case study should be submitted as a Word document (.doc).
Your paper will go through a TM Forum review process to ensure that the quality and usefulness of the content is high. We therefore reserve the right to reject or suggest amendments. We will always aim to give useful feedback and keep you updated.
Remember we are looking for case studies that clearly demonstrate successful use of TM Forum’s suite of Standards.
TM Forum-related inaccuracies
Where we consider that TM Forum-specific information is being misrepresented, we may suggest changes.
Being overtly commercial
While we understand that enterprises have a broad agenda to advance their branding, implant their approach in their community of interest, and persuade potential customers, we think that these objectives should be implicit, rather than explicit, in a case study.
It is OK to mention your own products or projects in the context of providing an example or case study, but this should be restrained and informational.
To submit a case study for consideration please email: Annie Turner