Catalyst Project

5G Services Validation & Practices
This Catalyst project demonstrates the practices of China Telecom’s 5G services, including 5G+4K and 5G+VR in 2019. Indeed, the company will provide HD live broadcasting of the CCTV Spring Festival, and also offers smart water control in Xiong An, the new national development area. The outcomes will be implementable by any large CSP offering 5G services in the future and allow it to optimize assets and quality of service for customers.
The Catalyst explores and verifies the deployment, commercial model, and operations solution of 5G networks. The team will effectively demonstrate an “intelligentized” 5G network and operations management characterised by quick service provisioning, quick network fault demarcation, base station site planning, self-healing and closed-loop in wireless, and 5G multi-dimension billing.
Virtual Showbag
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Videos & Images
5G Services Validation & Practices – Phase II