Member Projects

Autonomous Networks Project
Autonomous Networks (AN) powered alongside other technologies such as AI, big data, cloud and edge computing will make services quicker, cheaper and simpler to deploy and manage. Service providers will also be able to unlock over $700 billion of new revenues from industrial 5G and B2B2x opportunities that require automation to manage the billions of devices connected to the internet as well as deliver on the ultra-low latency and high reliability many 5G use cases require. AN will also enable CSPs to deliver a “Zero X” (zero wait, zero touch, zero trouble) experience deliver simplicity to the users and leave complexity with the providers.
Project Overview
The Autonomous Networks Project aims to define fully automated zero wait, zero touch, zero trouble innovative network/ICT services for vertical industries’ users and consumers, supporting self-configuration, self-healing, self-optimizing and self-evolving telecom network infrastructures for telecom internal users: planning, service/marketing, operations and management. AN incorporate a simplified network architecture, autonomous domains and automated intelligent business/network operations for the closed-loop control of digital business, offering the best-possible user experience, full lifecycle operations automation/autonomy and maximum resource utilization.
New project workstream: Autonomous Computing Network
This workstream will focus on the operations of an innovative intelligent infrastructure and business models centered around computing resources/clouds connectivity and scheduling. Specifically, the focus is to:
- Investigate the features and models of computing & network services.
- Study the operational requirements for autonomous networks, and identify current gaps and deficiencies.
- Clarify the converged computing & network business model and technical specifications.
- Contribute ODA standards include Open APIs, components, Canvas operators.
Get the full picture on TM Forum’s work on Autonomous Networks
Find out about Autonomous Networks (AN) aim to revolutionize telecommunications by providing a seamless, zero-wait, zero-touch, and zero-trouble experience for CSPs’ customers and their internal operations.
TM Forum Autonomous Networks Program
Making zero-touch operations a reality
Learn more Autonomous Networks
AI Training
Understand the future enterprise architecture for telecoms, why it is needed, the core principles and building blocks
Autonomous Networks Toolkit
Enable fully autonomous operations and networks, define business requirements and use cases and align and coordinate standardization across different Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs).
Watch project intro session
Find out more about the Autonomous Networks Project and how you can get involved in helping to define the autonomous networks reference architecture for zero touch, zero wait and zero trouble.
Watch AN project intro session
Autonomous Networks Business Architecture
Review the examples of the lifecycle of autonomous networks services to understand the usage of business requirements and architecture.
Download the introductory guide
Autonomous Networks Videos
Aaron Boasman-Patel explains the importance of the work of the Autonomous Network projects and the key challenges they are addressing.