Company: Infonova
Product Title: R6 Concept-to-Cash Platform
Product Version: V6.5
Frameworx Version: Version 12
Business Process Framework version: Version 12
Information Framework version: Version 12
Assessment Completion Date: May 2013
Detailed Certification Report: Infonova R6 Concept-to-Cash Platform Frameworx Conformance Certification Report
Product Description
R6 is an E2E Concept-to-Cash BSS for a primary operator & multiple tenants. It is a fully J2EE platform that supports real multi-tenant concept-to-cash operations for fully convergent and complex cross-industry business models while also supporting Telco 1.0 simultaneously. The R6 platform has been specifically designed to be technology and service agnostic and offers comprehensive service bundling, enabling multiple tenant operators to configure, bundle and price their own product & service portfolios including Cloud (IaaS, PaaS & SaaS), Broadband IP, VoIP, IPTV, PSTN, Mobile with other third party services, e.g. media, insurance, device distribution, content, water, gas and power – for their target markets.
The proven product family components cover the enhanced ‘Concept-to-Cash’ lifecycle: Platform and Business Management, Product Management, Customer Management, Order Management, Billing and Finance – which each of the tenants access in their own right and with their own business rules so that they can manage their own customers, orders, billing and receivables. R6 enables providers and enterprises to partner together and define terms of trade. This allows them to transact with confidence because money due to each party is automatically allocated when customers buy products and services.
Summary Results: Business Process Framework; Information Framework
Detailed Certification Results: Infonova R6 Concept-to-Cash Platform Frameworx Conformance Certification Report