PiA-TEAM is the flagship company of an international group of companies with specific focus on Business/Operational Support Systems, Big Data and Analytics. Having been founded by seasoned experts in the sector for more than a decade, PIA-TEAM is operating out of 3+ countries with an expert team of 200+ employees and has 80+ references over 10+ countries including Tier-1 Telecom Service Providers and Financial Institutions. We are helping our Customers in their Digitalization journey by providing pragmatic pathways from maintaining isolated, monolithic and legacy business systems, towards a cloud-based, open standards compliant Digital Platform business that can be orchestrated with further smart Business Intelligence and AI. Based on our extensive experience in end2end BSS/OSS (Charging, Billing, CRM, Order Management, Product Catalog, Customer Care, Resource Catalog Management and Provisioning) and Big Data Analytics, we have a suite of enabling products portfolio and we also provide Consultancy, Development, Integration/Delivery and Program Governance Services for BSS/OSS Transformation Projects.
All mandatory Open APIs certified
Prototype Component Conformance
Full coverage
Partial coverage
No coverage
API Management
Enterprise Integration
Event Management
Channel Management
Content Management
Experience Mgt Strategy & Planning
Navigation Management
Agreement Management
Bill Generation Management
Billing Account Management
Billing Inquiries Management
Debt Collection Management
Digital Identity Management
Document Management
Lead & Opportunity Management
Marketing Communications
Party Interaction Management
Party Management
Party Privacy Management
Party Problem Management
Party Roles Permissions Mgt
Payment Management
Sales Strategy & Planning
Bill Calculation
Commission Management
Product Assurance Management
Product Catalog Management
Product Configurator
Product Inventory
Product Order Capture & Validation
Product Order Delivery Orch & Mgt
Product Test Management
Product Usage Management
Purchase Management
IT and Network Infrastructure Management
Location Management
Resource Capability Delivery
Resource Catalog Management
Resource Configuration and Activation
Resource Discovery and Reconciliation
Resource Inventory
Resource Order Management
Resource Test Management
Resource Usage Management
Service Balance Management
Service Catalog Management
Service Inventory
Service Order Management
Service Qualification Management
Service Quality Management
Service Test Management
Service Usage Management
Strategic Resource Planning
Supply Chain Management
Work Order Management
Workforce Management
Accounting Management
Anomaly Management
Campaign Management
Experience Insight Management
Knowledge Management
Product / Sales Performance Management
Recommendation Management
Resource Performance Mgt
Service Performance Mgt