IG1190 AIOps Service Management v4.0.0
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: AI & Data Analytics
Large-scale deployments of AI in operations creates huge operational challenges such as how to govern, deploy, operate, control and maintain hundreds or thousands of AI models and components which will eventually form part of their IT and network systems architecture. Unlike the traditional software, AI models learn and evolve autonomously when exposed to new input data, and they are “black boxes” which are potentially even more fragile than traditional software, exposed to bias, opaque and nondeterministic by nature. In order to address these challenges, TM Forum and its members are leading an industry initiative called “AIOps Service Management” and are creating an industry agreed framework focused on redesigning the multiple processes of the service operations management.
In this document, we take a step in this complex transformation journey of key service management processes, to prepare them to handle, operate and govern AI software at scale.
General Information