IG1239 AI Checklist Mapping in CSPs AI Ecosystems v1.0.0

In order to take advantage of AI, communications service providers (CSPs) have to consider the whole AI journey and lifecycle management (procurement, deployment and operations through DevOps/AIOps/TestOps) as a continuum and nested feedback closed loop-driven process that should have minimal or no human intervention. That means they have to provide dynamic feedback retrospective reports regarding Explanability, Ethical related aspect to human in critical situations (high-risk applications that may cause damage to human, citizens, society). At the same time, being accountable towards the human accordingly, in such circumstances. This also means leaving the final governance, control and decision to the human.

This document is the first attempt to map the AI Checklists Framework to CSPs’ AI ecosystems and provide guidance on streamlining their efforts in their AI journey. 

General Information

Document series: IG1239
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Introductory Guide
Team approved: 2-Apr-21
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 24-May-21
Date modified: 25-May-21
ODF Technical: AI Governance