TMF681 Communication Management API Conformance Profile v4.0.0

  • Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
  • Created By: API Project

The Communication API provides a standardized mechanism for Communication management such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of the system communication events.

Communication means the system delivers a message to the final customer in the form and format which can be felt and understood by the customer.

The message can reach the customer in different interaction channels, including: email, short message, mobile app notification (push).

General Information

Document series: TMF681B
Document version: 4.0.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Specifications
Team approved: 27-Nov-2020
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 18-Jan-2021
Date modified: 19-Jan-2021