Company:Comverse, Inc.
Product title and Version: Comverse® ONE™ Billing & Active Customer Management V3.5
Business Process Framework: version 8.0
Assessment Completion Date: December 2010
Detailed Certification Results: Comverse ONE Billing & Active Customer Management Certification Report
Product Description
The Comverse ONE Billing & Active Customer Management solution offers operators fast time to revenue through comprehensive monetization, active customer management and an architecture built to remove complexity. It turns an operator’s business support system (BSS) into a strategic asset for marketing, competitive differentiation and growth enablement, allowing them to profit from market opportunities faster than ever.
The Comverse ONE solution is founded upon several fundamental concepts that enable an operator to implement the functionality required to support its business, at the appropriate point in time. These key concepts are the underpinning of the Comverse ONE solution:
- A unified account and subscriber data model that gives a common view of the customer across all modules
- A single Product Catalog that manages the provider’s market offerings across the solution
- An open operational and business framework that enables providers to leverage the Comverse ONE solution functionality and logic across any complex operational environment.
These key concepts allow the Comverse ONE solution to support any business model – today’s as well as tomorrow’s. With an innovative architecture – backed by deep BSS and network expertise – the solution unifies sales, marketing, customer management, charging, billing and policy. Because of this, deployment time and risk is lowered; operational efficiency is increased; prospect to cash is streamlined; smart charging and multi-dimensional policy management is enabled. This allows operators to capitalize on the broadband opportunity and allow end-customers to benefit from consistency and choice.
TM Forum has reviewed and approved the self-certification of the product listed here against Business Process Framework (eTOM) version 8.0 processes elements. Each process element was measured using an Business Process Framework (eTOM) compliance scale o
Assessed (eTOM) Conformance – Comverse ONE Billing & Active Customer Management (Comverse Inc) | |||
eTOM Process element | Assessed Domain | Conformance Level | Comment |
Within Level 1: 1.1.1 Customer Relationship Management |
Customer | 1 | Compliance marked here is relevant for two L2 processes within the eTOM: – Marketing Fulfillment Response and – Selling |
Within Level 2: Marketing Fulfilment Response |
Customer | 3 | One L3 eTOM processes has been assessed here for compliance: – Track Leads. The use cases provided in this document for this particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Marketing Fulfilment Response. | Track Leads | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Selling |
Customer | 3 | Four L3 eTOM processes have been assessed for compliance, these are: – Manage Prospect, – Acquire Customer Data, – Cross/Up Selling, and – Develop Sales Proposal. These 4 processes cover a significant portion of the lifecycle of the Customer, namely the customer acquisition phase. The use cases provided in this document for these processes demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Selling with some minor deviations for the Develop Sales Proposal L3 process. | Manage Prospect | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Acquire Customer Data | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Cross/Up Selling | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Develop Sales Proposal | Customer | 4 | Compliant with minor deviations |
Within Level 2: CRM Support & Readiness |
Customer | 3 | Three L3 eTOM processes have been assessed here for compliance: – Support Customer Interface Management; – Manage Campaign; and – Manage Customer Inventory. The use cases provided in this document for these particular L3 processes demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for CRM Support & Readiness | Support Customer Interface Management | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Manage Campaign | Customer | 4 | Compliant with minor deviations | Manage Customer Inventory | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Manage Product Offering Inventory | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Customer Interface Management |
Customer | 3 | One L3 eTOM process has been assessed here for compliance: – Manage Contact. The use cases provided in this document for this particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Customer Interface Management. | Manage Contact | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Manage Contact | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Order Handling |
Customer | 3 | One L3 eTOM process has been assessed here for compliance: – Determine Customer Order Feasibility. The use cases provided in this document for this particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Order Handling. | Determine Customer Order Feasibility | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Track & Manage Customer Order Handling | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Complete Customer Order | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Issue Customer Orders | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Problem Handling |
Customer | 3 | Four L3 eTOM processes have been assessed for compliance, these are: – Report Customer Problem, – Track and Manage Customer Problem, – Close Customer Problem Report, and – Create Customer Problem Report. These 4 processes cover a significant portion (roughly 2/3rds) of the lifecycle of the Customer Problem. The use cases provided in this document for these processes demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Problem Handling. | Report Customer Problem | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Track & Manage Customer Problem | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Close Customer Problem Report | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Create Customer Problem Report | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Bill Invoice Management |
Customer | 3 | Three L3 eTOM processes have been assessed here for compliance: – Apply Pricing, Discounting, Adjustments & Rebates, – Create Customer Bill Invoice, and – Produce & Distribute Bill. The use cases provided in this document for these particular L3 processes demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Bill Invoice Management. | Apply Pricing, Discounting, Adjustments & Rebates | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Create Customer Bill Invoice | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Produce & Distribute Bill | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Bill Payments & Receivables Management |
Customer | 3 | Two L3 eTOM processes have been assessed here for compliance: – Manage Customer Payments, and – Manage Customer Debt Collection. The use cases provided in this document for these particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Bill Payments & Receivables Management. | Manage Customer Payments | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Manage Customer Debt Collection | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Bill Inquiry Handling |
Customer | 3 | One L3 eTOM process has been assessed here for compliance: – Authorize Customer Bill Invoice Adjustment. The use cases provided in this document for this particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Bill Inquiry Handling. | Authorize Customer Bill Invoice Adjustment | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Charging |
Customer | 3 | Two L3 eTOM processes have been assessed here for compliance: – Perform Rating, and – Apply Rate Level Discounts. The use cases provided in this document for these particular L3 processes demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Charging | Perform Rating | Customer | 5 | Compliant | Apply Rate Level Discounts | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Manage Billing Events |
Customer | 3 | One L3 eTOM process has been assessed here for compliance: – Guide Billing Events. The use cases provided in this document for this particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Manage Billing Events | Guide Billing Events | Customer | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 1: 1.1.2 Service Management & Operations |
Service | 1 | Compliance marked here is relevant for two L2 processes within the eTOM: – SM&O Support & Readiness, and – Service Guiding & Mediation |
Within Level 2: SM&O Support & Readiness |
Service | 3 | One L3 eTOM process has been assessed here for compliance: – Support Service & Specific Instance Rating. The use cases provided in this document for this particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for SM&O Support & Readiness. | Support Service & Specific Instance Rating | Service | 5 | Compliant |
Within Level 2: Service Guiding & Mediation |
Service | 3 | One L3 eTOM process has been assessed here for compliance: – Guide Resource Usage Records. The use cases provided in this document for this particular L3 process demonstrate compliance to the eTOM standard definition for Service Guiding & Mediation | Guide Resource Usage Records | Service | 5 | Compliant |
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Disclaimer: TeleManagement Forum has conducted no independent testing of the product for compliance with its frameworks or standards. Such testing has solely been conducted by the supplier or seller of the product and has been self-certified by the supplier or seller for adherence to the TeleManagement Forum framework or standard in question. Accordingly, under no circumstances will TeleManagement Forum be liable for any direct or indirect damages or any costs or losses resulting from the the use or reliance by any party of or upon such certification.