GB959 Quick Start Pack: Fulfillment V0.4
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
This guidebook is written for multiple audiences, including business analysts, architects, and interface developers. A basic knowledge of Frameworx, particularly the Business Process Framework, is assumed.
This Fulfillment QSP:
- Defines Fulfillment scope in terms of:
- Contributions from the Network Interoperability Consultative Committee (NICC)
- Contributions from the National Broadband Network Company / Communications Alliance (NBNCO/CA)
- IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
- TM Forum Business Process Framework (eTOM)
- TM Forum Information Framework (SID)
- TM Forum Business Process Measurement System (BPMS)
- Reconciles NICC, NBNCO/CA, ITIL, eTOM, SID and BPMS inputs to identify and describe:
- A set of customer-to-business (C2B) and business-to-business (B2B) business scenarios and business interactions.
- A set of end-to-end business processes that integrate ITIL activities
- A set of key metrics and their collection points
- Maps a subset of eTOM Level 4 process elements, in the context of Level 4 process flows, to the reconciled items
- Provides the following artifacts (in addition to the document itself) related to reference Fulfillment processes:
- BPMN collaboration diagrams representing an external view of C2B and B2B interactions in the context of business scenarios
- BPMN process diagrams representing internal CSP processes as eTOM Level 3 and Level 4 process flows
- Spreadsheets associating eTOM process elements with ITIL activities, B/C2B interactions, and/or metrics collection points
- State diagrams representing order states and associated interactions.
General Information
Document series: GB959
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Best Practice
Team approved: 30-Mar-2012
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 12-Oct-2012