IG1323 Metaverse Monetization v2.0.0

The metaverse has undergone various interpretations in recent years and is still evolving. However, a common consensus exists – it signifies the next evolution of shared immersive experiences. These experiences extend beyond Virtual Reality and encompass the entire spectrum of Extended Reality. By seamlessly blending our physical and digital worlds, the metaverse has the potential to significantly impact our daily work and social lives.

The scope of this document is to explore the role of CSPs in the metaverse ecosystem, outline the technology requirements and business innovations that will overcome these issues and place telco service providers strongly in the value chain with realistic monetization opportunities for all ecosystem partners. This document is inspired by the TMF Catalyst work related to Metaverse, especially Catalysts within the Moonshot – Metaverse challenge category.

General Information

Document series: IG1323
Document version: 2.0.0
Status: Member Evaluated
Document type: Guidebook
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 22-Dec-2023
Date modified: 22-Jan-2024