GB921 Business Process Framework Getting Started R14.5.1 (word)
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Frameworx Project
Included in the .zip file are the following assets:
– GB921P Process Framework Primer R14.5.0 *
Introduction to the concepts, goals and structure of the framework.
– GB921U User Guidelines R14.5.0 *
How to get started using the Framework as well as how to extend it.
– GB921G Guide to Applying Business Process Framework R8.1.0
How to get started using the Framework as well as how to extend it.
– GB921Q FAQ R11.5.0
As with most things, there are recurring issues and questions that arise when using the Business Process Framework (eTOM). This document acts as a repository to collect these and it develops and grows over time.
* New in this release
General Information