GB922 Information Framework Standards Addenda R14.5.1 (word)
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Frameworx Project
The .zip file includes:
– GB922 Agreement R14.5.1.docx
Provides the informational characteristics that are unique to an Agreement
– GB922 Base Types R14.5.1.docx
Covers base types that have been found to be useful during the documentation of the SID business models
– GB922 Business Interaction R14.5.1.docx
The Business Interaction ABE represents an arrangement, contract, or communication between an enterprise and one or more other entities such as individuals and organizations (or parts of organizations).ÂÂ
– GB922 Calendar R14.0.0.doc
Covers the non base type entities that are time related
– GB922 Capacity R12.0.0.doc
This document provides an initial model that supports various types of capacity, such as Product, Service, and Resource capacity, based on a generalized capacity model
– GB922 Catalog R14.0.0.doc
This addendum describes the SID Catalog ABEs and also includes the current SID Product Catalog ABE.
– GB922 Configuration R14.5.1.doc
Further develop the Information Framework by introducing new ABEs and developing existing ABEs that had not yet been developed
– GB922 Customer R14.5.1.docx
Provides the definitions of the customer business entities
– GB922 Engaged Party R14.0.0.doc
Expanded support for multi-role business models. Introduction of this preliminary ABE is as a future replacement for the current Supplier/Partner domain.
– GB922 Location R14.5.1.doc
Provides a high level framework for the location (which is a complex model with a number of subtleties), explains broad concepts and gives illustrative examples.
– GB922 Logical and Compound Resource – Computing and Software R13.5.0.doc
Describes Computing and Software Resources. Included is support for digital services, such as Workplace as a Service (WPaaS).
– GB922 Logical and Compound Resource R14.5.1.docx
Presents the LogicalResource Framework with an extensible set of classes and relationships that enable new lower-level LogicalResource concepts to be plugged into it
– GB922 Loyalty R14.0.0.docx
Support of Loyalty in the Information Framework model
– GB922 Market Sales R9.5.0.doc
Describes the Aggregate Business Entities (ABEs) that comprise the Market/Sales domain of the SID model
– GB922 Metric R14.5.1.docx
Defines a single view of metric information across the framework
– GB922 Party R14.5.1.doc
Defines the information about companies and people.
– GB922 Performance R14.0.0.doc
Describes the SID Service and Resource Performance Aggregate Business Entities (ABEs)
– GB922 Physical Resource R14.5.1.doc
Presents the management of network entities to better illustrate a complete worked example and to explain some of the more subtle parts of the model
– GB922 Policy R14.5.1.doc
Covers the business definition of the Policy model
– GB922 Product R14.5.1.doc
Provides detailed specification of products (ProductSpecifications), the way they are offered into the market (ProductOfferings) and in which they are maintained and perform while in use (Products)
– GB922 Project R14.0.0.doc
Provides a generic model, based on current industry best practice that can be used to link parts of the SID model together
– GB922 Quality of Service R9.5.0.doc
Covers the business definition of QoS entities
– GB922 Revenue Assurance R9.5.0.doc
Describes the Revenue Assurance area of the SID with controls, violations, key performance indicators, objectives, and rules. And includes revenue assurance actions/responses
– GB922 Root R14.5.1.doc
Defines a set of common business entities that collectively serve as the foundation of the SID business view.
– GB922 Security R12.5.0.docx
Security business entities reflecting use cases for network defense
– GB922 Service Overview R14.5.0.docx
Provides the definition of services, differentiate between “customer facing†and “resource services
– GB922 Supplier Partner R12.5.0.docx
Defines business entities utilized in Supplier and Partner relationships
– GB922 Test R14.5.0.docx
A new set of Test ABEs in the Common, Product, Service, and Resource domains
– GB922 Usage R14.0.0.doc
Usage Business Entities
– GB922 Users and Roles R14.0.0.doc
Provides the definitions of the User Roles business entities
– GB922 Workforce R14.5.1.docx
Support for workforce models
– TIP_Common_IA_Version1.1.pdf
– TIP_MPAC_IA_Ver1.pdf
– TIP_PM_Mon_IA Version1.pdf
– TIP_PM_Thr_IA Version1.0.pdf
– TIP_RAM_IA_Version1.1.pdf
– TIP_SPM_IA_Version1.pdf
General Information