GB997D Portfolio of DMM Use Best Practices v1.0.0

This template and the accompanying use cases are designed to demonstrate practical applications of the DMM in real business scenarios. The intent is to stimulate adoption and further development of the DMM by providing members with ideas and examples to facilitate DMM deployment and extract maximum value from its application.

Contributions are encouraged from any members who have used the DMM. While the attached template has been created to guide the format and desired content of any contribution, it is not mandatory – members are welcome to make contributions in any format which they feel would benefit the wider membership.

If you would like advice before submitting a use case contribution, you are welcome to contact a member of the DMM project team.

General Information

Document series: GB997D
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: Member Evaluated
Document type: Guidebook
Team approved: 20-Jul-2022
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 15-Aug-2022
Date modified: 15-Aug-2022