GB921 Business Process Framework R13.5 (word)

  • Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved

This Release 13.5 is a release of the Business Process Framework Suite, integrated as part of the Frameworx Release 13.5, with updates in the following main areas:
– New process content being gathered into the core Model and Framework from material published in the previous Release 13.0. This relates to improved process descriptions for Level 3 process elements that replace the existing descriptions with text under the following headings. Note that in general this is not a change to the existing description text, but a clarification on how to interpret the already-published content, and this Release integrates this material into the core Model.
– An Fx Package containing agreed new process content around Verify Consistency of Information that will be merged into the Model and Framework
– An updated Addendum K Construction Guidelines for Process Flows that adds some diagram examples for clarity
– An updated Addendum E End-End Process Flows that aligns content with the Addendum K guidelines
– Introduction of some flow diagrams associated with core process elements in the Model to illustrate linkage with ITIL.

Resources Included