TR286 Defining an Edge Strategy: Technical Briefing v1.0.0

This technical report summarizes the technical studies and Catalyst projects carried out in later 2020 and early 2021 following the request to develop an Edge strategy with a particular focus on which SDOs TM Forum should engage with.

See Annex A for the original request. Initial studies showed that EDGE is much more than a new network technology which was the original positioning of the ETSI Multi Edge Computing (MEC) initiative and identified more than 50 Edge initiatives spanning: traditional SDOs, industry consortia many based on Open Source, and quasi open ecosystems around some specific edge/cloud technology specially those of the hyperscalers. Given the wide scope of activity and the broad impact on communications service provider (CSP) business, it was decided to conduct a set of workshops using the results from relevant TM Forum Catalysts where each Catalyst has user stories and scenarios based on real-world business opportunities.

General Information

Document series: TR286
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Technical Report
Team approved: 02-Apr-2021
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 24-May-2021
Date modified: 25-May-2021