GB962 Customer Experience Management: Introduction and Fundamentals R16.0.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Customer Experience Management Project
Customer experience (CX) is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a services provider, over the duration of their relationship that starts from buying phase and includes post disconnection processes that may influence the customer. Customer Experience Management (CEM) is a strategy to transform business and make it customer centric i.e. service provider exists to earn profit by delighting customer instead of defining strategy that is business centric where service provide runs business to earn profit and in journey satisfies customer.
Customer Experience Management uses effective process, cutting edge IT solution and operational excellence along with underlying enabling technology to make customer journey comfortable, objective driven and beneficial for service provider as well as customer. A strong customer experience strategy helps in growing business, innovating products and increasing brand value for service provider.
Customer Experience is more about understanding customer perspectives and then defining the solution and strategy. It keeps customer at core and then builds organization to serve the customer with the help of process, tools, products, people and solution so that customers are delighted and willing to do more business with service provider.
This document comprises one element of a Customer Experience Management Solution Suite. Other components are the Maturity Model, the Customer Experience Management Index (CEMI), Lifecycle Model, Metrics & KPIs, omni channel best practices and Implementation Guide use cases.
In this issue of the guide book a Business Value Roadmap has been developed to include CEM processes and a looped view of perpetual improvement.
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