RN310 Information Framework Release Notes R17.5.1

This release of the Information Framework contains enhancements to it, including:

Introduction of FinancialAccount
Introduction of UsageVolumeProductSpec (aka Bucket Product spec) and the corresponding Product with its balance.
It also introduces consumption counters that might be available for buckets, product users and network products
Introduction of the concept of ConfigurationFeature for ResourceFunction
Merge Attachment and EntitySpecAttachment and add a relationship between Attachment and RootEntity & BusinessInteraction entities.
Some fixes found in the SID (e.g. “private” attributes, typos, Fig 27 in Root GB …) and applying attribute naming conventions

General Information

Document series: RN310
Document version: 17.5.1
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Reference
IPR mode: RAND
Date modified: 19-Dec-2017