GB988 TM Forum Metrics Definitions R18.0.1

This document provides details of the Metrics names, definitions, identification and calculation for use in various business types and business functions. It  contains definitions of 2600 metrics that have been defined in TM Forum and provides them with a consistent set of fields and classifications.  Metrics are available across a variety of categories including Business, Cable, Customer Experience Management, CyberOps, SLA Management, Virtual CPE Management, Fraud Management, Margin Assurance, Smart BPM, Network Virtualization, and BSS metrics. One hundred eight five (185) Metrics were added in R18.0.  They are all the in the Digital Maturity area and are all in Maturity Level 1 . 

General Information

Document series: GB988
Document version: 6.0.1
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Standard
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 29-Oct-2018
Date modified: 30-Oct-2018