GB999 User Guide for Network Slice Management R18.5.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Operations & Management) Project, ZOOM (Zero-touch Orchestration
This snapshot report is based on results of three 5G based Catalysts and ‘Network as a Service’ Catalysts exhibited at:
Digital Transformation World (DTW) Nice May 2018
Digital Transformation Asia KL, November 2018
Based on an analysis of these catalysts an architectural Implementation Framework has been developed for:
- Realizing Zero-Touch Management Automation (using established stable concepts from ZOOM Project and Open APIs).
- Adopting it as the preferred implementation framework for the Open Digital Architecture (ODA) Production Functional area.
- Developing a technology neutral Connectivity Service model to fulfill the ODA requirement to decouple Core Commerce (BSS) functions from technology-specific ODA Production functions.
- Capturing consistently described Use Cases from the Catalysts.
- Leveraging TM Forum Open APIs, and GB922 Information Framework SID model for Logical Resource and ONF TR512 Core Information Models.
- Facilitating rapid adoption of supplier implementations that employ techniques such as intent based management, closed control loops, policy management and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning AI /ML
The Implementation Framework described in this report provides a systematic approach for:
- linking the service provider defined Operational Domains boundaries and the ‘Network as a Service APIs’ / capabilities that each exposes (Customer Facing Services -CFS).
- mapping these to supplier defined Technical Domain service boundaries for multiple technologies. (Resource Facing Services RFS and resource).
- using the mature TM Forum GB922 Information Models for Services, Resources and Products.
This snapshot addresses most of the current ODA and ODA Production requirements through this Implementation Framework models. The team now wishes to solicit wider member review and feedback as it moves to the next stage of developing these models into more detailed specifications for:
- Connectivity Service models described in JSON for TM Forum API aligned with published GB922 Logical Resource and the TR255 Suite of documents on connectivity service models.
- Extension rules for supporting other technologies within ODA Production.
Whilst the document is not complete nor fully mature the ODA team thinks wider member input would be valuable, and specifically, the team is soliciting additional JSON and modeling expertise to complete the next Release 19 version.
General Information