GB962 Customer Experience Management Solution Suite R14.5.1

The Customer Experience Management Solution Suite consists of five components: Guidebook, Metrics, Maturity Model, Lifecycle Model, and Implementation Use Case, which is a new addition in this version.

In the CEM Solution Suite R14.5.1, we have made a number of updates:
– We have undertaken a significant update to the main Guidebook, both simplifying and clarifying major sections, as well as adding a new section on implementation of customer experience management solutions.
– 61 new metrics have been added, as well as many new dimensions, increasing the depth of coverage of retail outlets, account activation, payment and IVR performance. In addition there are a large number of corrections and consistency improvements. The grand total is now 537 metrics.
– The first Customer Experience Management Use Case has been developed and added as a new addenda to the Solution Suite. The use case focuses on Increasing Service Awareness and defines categories including business case, processes, information, metrics, sample implementations and more. This use case was done as an example to introduce this new concept. A template, not included as part of this package, is also available to members who would like to use this methodology to create their own use cases.

Resources Included