47 new features thanks to the work done by our members!
Frameworx 13.5 was released at Digital Disruption 2013 in November 2013 in San Jose, California, and represents the next step in the evolution of TM Forum’s Frameworx suite of best practices and standards.
It introduces new thinking and approaches that demonstrate our commitment to helping our members succeed in the digital world through work done in our Agile Business and IT, Customer Engagement and Open Digital Programs.
Adopted by 90% of the world’s largest service providers, TM Forum Frameworx continues to be the most widely used blueprint for effective, efficient business operations.
Visit the full feature list now!
Release 13.5 Highlights
The features in Frameworx 13.5 focus on three major challenges facing service providers today:
From our Agile Business & IT Program:
- A new Big Data Analytics Guidebook with a new architecture, methodology and 30+ use cases to help service providers unleash the power of big data
- New metrics added to the Frameworx Metrics Repository for cable, fraud, and cyber security
- A new Threat Intelligence ROI Calculator and Cyber Security Readiness Dashboard help you communicate with C-level executives about potential business impacts
- New definitions in the Information Framework (SID) that enable modeling of evolving cloud computing models like SDN, and NFV (Network Function Virtulization)
- 400 new definitions in the Application Framework(TAM) for discrete functionality found in common applications
- Substantial enhancements to Standardized Interfaces for GPON, MPLS-TP, MTOSI and OSS/J
- A new Fraud Management Implementation Guide that includes a new maturity model
- New ITIL process flows in the Business Process Framework (eTOM) making it easier for ITIL users to simultaneously adopt the Business Process Framework and reduce implementation cost and efforts
- The Cable Community is introducing a new Cable Product Lifecycle Management Solution
From our Customer Engagement Program:
- 250 new Customer Experience Management Metrics are now available
- The Customer Experience Management Maturity Model has been enhanced to improve usability
- TM Forum’s Customer Experience Lifecycle has been enhanced to provide common language, definitions and mappings to Frameworx for all stages of a customer’s journey
- The concept of Customer Engagement as the evolution of Customer Experience Management is introduced in the latest version of the Customer Experience Management Guidebook
From our Open Digital Program:
- A new B2B2x Partnership Accelerator pack provides step by step guidance, tools and models for business managers and technical teams
- 3 new REST APIs found in TM Forum’s API Zone provide management functionality for trouble ticketing, product ordering and catalog management
- A view of the Business Process Framework for Digital Health tailors the language used to describe and define 390 business processes
If you have immediate questions please contact us at [email protected].
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