Member Projects

API Apache 2.0 Project
The API Apache project will develop the “code” part of the TM Forum Open APIs to be licensed under the Apache 2.0 license mode. This will include re-releasing API previously released under RAND (Reasonable and non-discriminatory) license mode. This project will work in close concert with the TM Forum API Project and will abide by its governance and use the output from that group in the forms for specifications, user stories, etc. as the input to the development process. It is suggested that all members of the API Apache 2.0 project also be members of the API Project operating under the Core Project RAND Charter.
The project teams are currently working on:
- Migration of RAND artefacts – items previously released under RAND licence mode
- API-Apache Processes & Governance
- Creation of new Apache 2.0 licence mode artefacts
- RI / CTK Task Force
To discuss or learn more, contact Joann O’Brien at [email protected]