IG1219C Anomaly Management Closed Loops v1.0.0

This Introductory Guide (IG) describes the common closed loops based on Anomaly Management stages and key workflows, with applicability towards supervised anomaly detection and resolution, unsupervised anomaly detection and resolution, and semi-supervised anomaly detection and resolution. Ideas behind this work will become part of the model-driven work will be covered in the anomaly management closed loop information model (IG1219E), and be included in the general closed loop information model in IG1219A.  All AI-models, AI-modelling and AI- artifacts such as machine learning techniques and their associated capabilities that are part of the automation to support anomaly detection/forecasting, assessment, and mitigation are out of scope of this work. 


General Information

Document series: IG1219C
Document version: 1.2.0
Status: Member Evaluated
Document type: Introductory Guide
Team approved: 05-Aug-2022
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 15-Aug-2022
Date modified: 05-Aug-2022