How do I enable AI operations using the TM Forum Framework across production and deployment?
Watch the AIOPs Masterclass to understand how you can exploit the full potential of AI using the TM Forum AIOps Service Management Framework
Address how to redesign the complex service management operations process in order to prepare them to handle and govern AI software at scale
IG1190: AIOPs Service Management V5.4.0
Redesign and re-engineer your AIOps Configuration Management processes to control all of your configuration in your production environment.
IG1190A: AIOPs Configuration Management
Update your Change Management Processes to ensure they support AI
IG1190B: AIOps Change Management
Establish how to integrate new and updated AI-driven components and how to deploy newly released components from Development to Production in
IG1190C: AIOps Release Management V2.0.O
Approve the readiness and acceptance of the new software for the final delivery and roll-out into the Production environment
IG1190D: AIOps Acceptance Testing V2.0.0
Update your Knowledge Management Processes to enable AI models to be new active players in the Knowledge Management Process
IG1190E: AIOps Knowledge Management V1.0.1
Redesign your Monitoring and Event Management Processes and automatically for the early detection and resolution of incidents, filter and correlate events and ensure the integration with other service management processes and trigger the responses to related event.
IG1190F: AIOps Monitoring and Event Management V1.0.1
Automatically and Proactively manage your Incidents with the AIOPs Incident Management processes to restore the service to end users/customers and recover to normal service operations as quickly as possible and in line with agreed SLAs.
IG1190G: AIOPs Incident Management V2.0.0
Address the challenges of large-scale AI software in Production and deploy the AIOps Problem Management processes
IG1190H: AIOps Problem Management V2.0.0
Ensure that the existing components continue working properly, efficiently and effectively despite unexpected situations, technical/technological evolutions, changing environments, obsolescence, changed boundary conditions, new business with the AIOps Application Maintenance Processes
IG1190I: AIOps Application Maintenance V2.0.0
Understand how to deploy, monitor, maintain and eventually decommission (retire) data and the corresponding data flows in Production
IG1190J: AI DataOps Management V3.0.0