Getting Started

Start here to begin your TM Forum Member Journey!
As a new member, have you registered on our website? If so, please log in with your Member ID and password. If not, please register here.
New to TM Forum? Join us for our Member Orientation Webinar to get an overview and make the most of your membership opportunities. Make sure to update your communication preferences to stay on top of what’s going on in the Forum and with your fellow members.
Industry Research, Trends & News:
Visit our TM Forum Inform news channel for hot digital ecosystem news, research reports, webinars, blogs, opinions, videos and articles fed by the collective experience and collaborative work of the Forum’s members.
Opportunities to Collaborate:
Get involved in our collaboration programs and communities. The Forum’s project teams collaborate to develop innovative new digital standards, showcase them at events and via Catalyst prototypes, and drive widespread adoption. Here’s how you can get engaged:
- Catalyst Program: Member-driven rapid proof-of-concept projects
- Collaboration Projects: Develop solutions to core industry challenges
- Open Community: Brainstorm ideas and connect with your peers
Major Topics of Focus:
Learn about, stay on top of, and get involved in major topics relevant to your digital transformation journey.
- Digital Transformation & Maturity
- Open APIs
- Network Functions Virtualization
- Revenue Management
- Internet of Everything (IoE)
- Customer Centricity
- Data Analytics & AI
- Trust, Security & Privacy
- Blockchain
- 5G
- Smart City
- Ecosystem Design & Modeling
Best Practices & Toolkits:
Discover how the Forum’s suite of community-driven, implementable best practices and standards – TM Forum Code + Frameworks – provides the blueprint and conformance validation for effective, efficient digital business operations.
Find out more about our toolkits–packaging of TM Forum tools, assets and resources, enabling members to access documents, guidebooks, models and more by key subject matter plus added context to how and why you should use them in your business today.
- Agile Operations
- Agile OSS/BSS
- Analytics
- Customer Centricity
- Partnering/CurateFX
- Trust, Security & Privacy
Resources & Assets:
- Search for the resources and assets most important to you
- Attend our next Member Orientation Webinar for your introduction to TM Forum
- Promote your membership internally